Company Law

An exclusive Q&A with Dr Saleem Sheikh

| 27 Sept 2022

1. What first drew you to Company Law? 

When I was studying for the LLM at LSE under the late Lord Wedderburn of Charlton (a leading company law expert) and followed up with a PhD in company law at LSE – I enjoyed looking at the company as a separate entity in its own right and how corporate governance interacts with this legal entity through shareholders and directors and the impact of various stakeholders on the corporation including CSR aspects.

2.  What do you think is a common misconception about Company Law?  

I am sure the next few years will see a surge in cyber related litigation. Whether that be in the field of actions taken regarding the setting up of NFT’s or cyber events leading to insolvency. The key, as always, will be to seek the best advice. 

3. What developments do you foresee happening in this area of law over the next few years?  

Greater regulation of corporate criminal liability/Restructuring of Companies House and the registrar’s functions/More legal guidance through judicial interpretation on directors’ general duties/More deregulation of company law administrative aspects. 

4.  What is the biggest lesson you have learnt working in Company Law?  

Regulation is inevitable. However, regulators need to understand more about this area before that happens on a large or indeed any, scale. Too much innovation suffers from over regulation and, particularly in the use of blockchain, it is a product that has so much to give, it mustn’t be strangled by regulation. 

5. If you could pick any career other than law, what would you do for work? 

Writing fiction novels. 

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