Family Court Reports

Family Court Reports

Consulting Editor - The Rt Hon Sir Matthew Thorpe
Advisory Editors - The Hon Mr Justice Macdonald, Deepak Nagpal KC and Professor Stephen Gilmore


FCR (thumbnail)

Frequency: Fortnightly
Type: Journal
Format: Print
ISSN: 14726459

£460.00 (1 Year)
£920.00 (2 years)



If it matters to you, it matters to us…

Bloomsbury’s Family Court Reports give you unparalleled currency in the family cases that matter

Established in 1987, the Family Court Reports have long been one of the most well-regarded set of family law case reports. Relaunched in 2018, we have redefined the reporting criteria to ensure careful case selection that provides coverage of the most significant cases for family law professionals.

Published fortnightly, with quality headnotes, they cover precedent setting cases from the higher courts and cases deciding essential practice points from all levels of court.

The Family Court Reports are first to the market and provide you with a focused selection of the core family case reports quickly and accurately, bringing you optimum case currency and a consistent clarity of detail.

Family Court Reports are at the heart of the expanding Bloomsbury Professional Family Law division.


New improved index

Starting in 2020, each issue of the Family Court Reports now includes improved research features:

• We have added an individual Index to each of the twenty-four issues in the year, citing all of the statutory provisions and cases referred to therein. 
• We have also improved our three per-Volume Indexes. Already a familiar feature of the series, the three Volumes are now supported with an Index that matches the cover design of the reports, improving their feel and durability on your bookshelf. Each one now also includes a helpful contents page for faster legal research. 
• Finally, a new addition to the series will see an Annual Index published at the end of the year, containing every case reported and referred to, every statutory provision referred to, and every key word and legal citation, from all three Volumes. 

By further supporting you in your case research at every point throughout the year,  Family Court Reports are the essential series for Family Law practitioners

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Contents from previous issues:

Family Court Reports Volume 1 Pt 8 2023 (29 April 2023)


A And B (Children) (Summary Return: Non-Convention State)
[2022] EWCA Civ 1664 ; 1 FCR 801
Ahmed v Khan
[2022] EWHC 1748 (Fam); 1 FCR 825
B (Children) (Abduction: Consent: Oral Evidence) (Article 13(B))
[2022] EWCA Civ 1171; 1 FCR 851
N (A Child), Re (Instruction of Expert)
[2022] EWCA Civ 1588; 1 FCR 879
Timokhin v Timokhina
[2023] EWHC 58 (Fam); 1 FCR 901



Family Court Reports Vol 1 Pt 7 2023 (8 April 2023)

[2023] EWHC 83 (Fam); 1 FCR 679
BR & Ors, Re (Transparency Order_ Finding of Fact Hearing)
[2023] EWFC 9; 1 FCR 707
Bury Metropolitan Borough Council v ML & Anor
[2022] EWHC 746 (Fam); 1 FCR 726
C, Re (Surrogacy_ Consent) (Rev1)
[2023] EWCA Civ 16; 1 FCR 755
L (A Child - Article 13_ Protective Measures) (No.1)
[2022] EWHC 3427 (Fam); 1 FCR 776
L, Re (Article 13_ Protective Measures)(No. 2)
[2023] EWHC 140 (Fam); 1 FCR 776

Family Court Reports Vol 1 Pt 6 2023 (25 March 2023)

AA v BB & Ors
[2022] EWHC 2322 (Fam); 1 FCR 573
F v M (Rev1)
[2023] EWFC 5; 1 FCR 598
[2023] EWFC 2; 1 FCR 616
HH (A Child_ Stay of Order Pending Appeal) (Rev2)
[2022] EWHC 3369 (Fam); 1 FCR 649
Warwickshire County Council v The Mother & Ors
[2022] EWHC 2146 (Fam); 1 FCR 656


Family Court Reports Vol 1 Pt 5 2023 (11 March 2023)

A (A Child), Re (Enforcement of A Foreign Order)
[2022] EWCA Civ 904
A, Re (A Child: Findings of Fact)
[2022] EWCA Civ 1652
HA v WA & Anor
[2022] EWFC 110
G v G
[2022] EWFC 151
Peterborough City Council v K, L, M, N and P & Ors
[2022] EWFC 61
R v G (Disclosure of Fact-Finding Judgment to SSHD)
[2022] EWHC 367 (Fam)


Family Court Reports Vol 1 Pt 4 2023 (25 February 2023)

B, Re (Children_ Police Investigation)
[2022] EWCA Civ 982; 1 FCR 321
CMX v EJX (French Marriage Contract)
[2022] EWFC 136; 1 FCR 344
MacDougall v SW & Ors (sperm donor: parental responsibility or contact)
[2022] EWFC 50 1 FCR 372
Mother v Father
[2022] EWHC 3107 (Fam); 1 FCR 396
S (A Child) & W (A Child) Re (s 20 Accom)
[2023] EWCA Civ 1; 1 FCR 408
S, Re (Children_ Party Status)
[2022] EWCA Civ 1717; 1 FCR 430


Family Court Reports Vol 1 Pt 3 2023 (11th February 2023)

His Majesty's Attorney General v Dowie
[2022] EWCA Civ 1574; 1 FCR 221
Lancashire County Council v M & Ors
[2022] EWHC 2900 (Fam); 1 FCR 234
Stacey v McNicholas
[2022] EWHC 278 (Fam); 1 FCR 247
T (No2) (Care Proceedings_Fact-Finding_Genital Injuries)
[2021] EWFC 101; 1 FCR 258
Traharne v Limb
[2022] EWFC 27; 1 FCR 280
W-A (Children _ Foreign Conviction)
[2022] EWCA Civ 1118; 1 FCR 301