Macdonald's Exemption Clauses and Unfair Terms

Macdonald's Exemption Clauses and Unfair Terms cover


An updated guide, and expert analysis on, the legal issues relating to common exemption clauses and unfair terms in legal contracts. It covers the incorporation and construction of the key clauses, as well as the relevant legislation.

It will help you to understand:
- the circumstances when a term will be incorporated into a contract
- the modern approach to the interpretation of contracts by the contracts (and with particular types of clauses, for example in relation to negligence, entire agreement clauses, 'fundamental breach', etc)
- clause by clause consideration of UCTA, including key concepts such as the meaning of the 'requirement for reasonableness'
- clause by clause consideration of the unfair term provisions of the Consumer Rights Act 2015, and with paragraph by paragraph consideration of the potentially unfair terms in Schedule to the Act

This edition includes coverage of:
- Analysis of how the courts now interpret exclusion and liability clauses and other contract clauses, e.g.:
--- after the decisions of the Supreme Court in Wood v Capita Insurance Services Ltd, and Rainy Sky SA and others v Kookmin Bank
--- the treatment of 'stringent' exemption clauses, in the decision of Goodlife Foods Ltd V Hall Fire Protection Ltd
--- the requirement for clear wording, such as where parties wish to avoid liability for non-fraudulent, pre-contract (mis)representations, e.g. in the decisions in AXA Sun Life Services pc v Campbell Martin Ltd and BSkyB Ltd v HP Enterprise Services UK Ltd
-Coverage of the changes brought about by the Consumer Rights Act 2015, including:
--- recent case law considering the effect and interpretation of unfair terms, particularly concerning the 'core' exemption, in the decisions of OFT v Abbey National plc and the later ECJ cases of Kásler and Mattei
--- consideration of the list of potentially unfair terms found in Schedule 2 to the Act and the CMA analysis of them

Legislation covered includes:
- Consumer Rights Act 2015
- Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977
- Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999
- Misrepresentation Act 1967

This title is included in Bloomsbury Professional's Company and Commercial Law online service.

Table of Contents

1. Incorporation
2. Construction
3. The Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977
4. Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts
5. Exemption Clauses and Third Parties
6. Misrepresentation and Exemptions
7. Exemptions and Fiduciary Duties

Product details

Published 29 Apr 2022
Format Ebook (Epub & Mobi)
Edition 3rd
Extent 400
ISBN 9781526503725
Imprint Bloomsbury Professional
Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing

About the contributors


Mark Anderson

Mark Anderson is Managing Partner of Anderson Law…


Victor Warner

Victor Woroner is a solicitor at Anderson Law LLP…


Bloomsbury Collections

This book is available on Bloomsbury Collections where your library has access.

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